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Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26, 2012

Well, Thanksgiving went well.  Nice to have friends and family visits.  Now that it's over, it's back to the blogging and other online endeavors.  I've been trying to keep up my "Just Saying My Piece" blog as well as a few other things, but thought I needed to get back here for a brief update.

I cannot say I've been doing a lot of article writing lately, though I have submitted a few.  I have also been toying some lately with, where I offer some minor 'digital content' services for $5 (each).  It's a lot of fun, though it's not a 'get-rich' system.  

I've also had a stab at, where I submitted some ideas for inventions I've thought of over the years.  None of mine drew enough attention from the 'Quirky Community', and they've all lapsed into the archives now.  It was fun, and I still participate there sometimes (Quirky pays small amounts for participation and 'influence', too).  It's a great site to learn about some new (and often very clever) ideas for products that might be coming out some day soon. 

I have not done very much to update "My List" (scroll down to view), so that remains a work-in-progress.  I've shared it with a number of my LinkedIn network (and others), to help them get going in freelancing.  Not that I'm any kind of 'expert', but I do know how to find information, and that's what "My List" really is all about.

I've also been pretty busy uploading some of my original music compositions to my new Google Play Store.  My music is not what I'd call 'traditional' or even 'normal''s more 'one-of-a-kind' stuff, y'know?  I created most of what I've uploaded many years ago, and had recorded it using some basic home equipment.  In order to upload it, I had to convert it to digital format (MP3, wav, etc.).  That takes time, unfortunately.  But, I did manage to upload quite a few songs.  Who knows, right?  It's a big world out there...someone might even like my stuff enough to download (and pay for) some of it!   
I'm just sayin'...

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